GSC Game World
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

To survive, a true stalker must not stop his search. Valuable trophies, equipment and supplies, new friends, shortcuts or answers to the grimmest riddles of these lands are what give a chance not to perish. So prepare for a foray to find your fate in the Center of the Zone, the most protected place from unwanted guests.

The path of a stalker to his goal is never a walk in the park. A treacherous anomaly, able to mash even the most experienced fighter, the stray of ravenous mutants or jarring betrayal – any of these things can cost your life. Get ready to check your skills and gumption, enduring the superior numbers of rivals and mutants. Stay alert even when you are alone – here at the Zone, everything is rarely what it seems at first glance.

These desolate lands of eternal autumn are full of hundreds of vagabonds. Though, the stalker is always on his own, facing dangers that are often unseen.

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