• Graphical overhaul: Support added for HDR, FSAA, depth of field, soft particles, tone mapping, and many other effects
• New models with greater detail and high-quality textures
• Multiplayer battles with up to 64 players
• Multiplayer modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Conquest, Battle, and Siege
• A campaign allowing you to become the ruler of a faction and convince lords to become your vassals
• The ability to upgrade your companions to vassals by granting them lands
• The ability to marry a lady of the realm for romance or cold political gain. Try to win a lady’s heart through poetry or bravery
• Improved mechanics for soldier morale: Soldiers will break and run away if their morale gets too low
• Pick any projectile off the battlefield for use as additional munitions
• New motion-captured combat animations
• Numerous improvements to the combat system: Your shield will still stop arrows even if you are not actively defending
• The ability to play multiplayer matches on random maps as well as hand-designed ones
• Multiplayer equipment system: Earn money by fighting opponents or accomplishing goals
• The ability to use most throwing weapons in close combat: Switch to using a javelin as a short spear when the enemy gets close
• Spend gold on more powerful equipment, using a carefully balanced system that will make combat more exciting without giving too much of an advantage to the leading team